Company's Profile / History

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  • Company's Profile / History

Company's Profile

Date of establishment September 6, 1948 (Showa 23)
Capital 328 million yen
Annual turnover 45.5 billion yen (fiscal year ending December 2023)
Total employees 365
Business Manufacture and sale of automobile parts, sale of chemical products, electronic parts, electronic materials and electrical equipment parts, textile machinery, logistics machinery and equipment
Board Member / General Manager
  • Representative Director and President
  • Yoshikatsu Miwa
  • Senior Managing Director
  • Hidekazu Hashimoto
  • Director
  • Katsuhiro Kito
  • Non-Director
  • Motoyuki Suzuki
  • Non-Director
  • Syun-ichi Kamiya
  • Auditor
  • Shinji Matsuhiro
  • General Manager
  • Yuji Iwanaga
  • General Manager
  • Kengo Watanabe
  • General Manager
  • Katsunari Mase
  • General Manager
  • Hiroyuki Numata
  • General Manager
  • Tomoyuki Katashiba


  • Founding to 1970s
  • From 1980s to 1990s
  • Since 2000s
  • 1948 (Showa 23) September Chugai Bussan Co., Ltd. was founded with capital of 200,000 yen.
    1962 (Showa 37) September Tokyo sales office was opened
    1966 (Showa 41) November Capital increased to 4 million yen
    1968 (Showa 43) October New head office building completed
    1969 (Showa 44) May Osaka sales office was opened
    1970 (Showa 45) October Construction of Miyoshi Plant Phase 1 had been completed, and manufakuture of sound insulation parts for automobiles started.
    1972 (Showa 47) November Capital increased to 16 million yen
    1973 (Showa 48) January Kurashiki sales office was opened
    1974 (Showa 49) February Capital increased to 32 million yen
    1975 (Showa 50) October Construction of Miyoshi Plant Phase 2 had been completed.
    1976 (Showa 51) Apryl Chiryu Distribution Center started the operations
    December Manufacture of automotive sound absorbing started.
    1977 (Showa 52) May Capital increased to 48 million yen
    1978 (Showa 53) January Fuji Polymer Industries Co., Ltd. was established.
    1979 (Showa 54) February Hiratsuka branch office was opened
    July Hamamatsu sales office was openend.
  • 1980 (Showa 55) May Capital increased to 96 million yen
    1981 (Showa 56) August Capital increased to 128 million yen
    1982 (Showa 57) January Construction of Miyoshi Plant Phase 3 had been completed.
    August Yonago branch office was opened.
    1983 (Showa 58) April Construction of Miyoshi Plant Phase 4 had been completed.
    November Changed company name from Chugai Bussan Co., Ltd. to Chugai Co., Ltd.
    1984 (Showa 59) November Acoustic measurement system "NoRAS" installed at Miyoshi Factory
    1986 (Showa 61) December R&D building completed at Miyoshi Factory
    1987 (Showa 62) September The head office building was expanded and remodeled, and the acoustic laboratory at Miyoshi factory was completed.
    1989 (first year of Heisei) July Miyoshi Factory main office building was completed.
    1990 (Heisei 2) November Kariya sales office was opened.
    1991 (Heisei 3) December Hitachi sales office was opened.
    1992 (Heisei 4) December Fukuoka Distribution Center started the operation.
    1994 (Heisei 6) September Chugai Bussan Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) was established.
    1997 (Heisei 9) August Construction of Miyoshi Plant Phase 6 had been completed (the 5th factory).
  • 2000 (Heisei 12) May Capital increased to 328 million yen
    2001 (Heisei 13) March Tottori sales office was opened.
    May Miyoshi District Office and Kariya Sales Office acquired ISO 14001 certification.
    2002 (Heisei 14) September Shanghai Chongwai Electronics Co., Ltd. was established.
    2004 (Heisei 16) February Tianjin branch office of Shanghai Chongwai Electronics Co., Ltd. was opened, and Tianjin Ritegu Soundproof Accessories Co., Ltd. was established.
    2005 (Heisei 17) March Guangzhou branch office of Shanghai Chongwai Electronics Co., Ltd. was opened.
    2006 (Heisei 18) June NC Co., Ltd. was established
    November HAKKOSONIC Co.,Ltd. was established.
    2007 (Hesiei 19) May Fukuoka factory and Fukuoka sales office ware established. Manufacture of soundproof parts for automobiles at the Fukuoka factory started. The scope of ISO 14001 certification registration was expanded at Head Office, Tokyo Branch, Osaka Sales Office, Kurashiki Sales Office, Hiratsuka Sales Office, Hamamatsu Sales Office, Yonago Sales Office, Hitachi Sales Office, and Tottori Sales Office.
    August Chuo Insulation Co., Ltd. was established.
    2008 (Heisei 20) April The scope of ISO 14001 certification was expanded at the Fukuoka factory.
    2010 (Heisei 22) September New building of Kariya branch completed.
    Dongguan office of Chugai Bussan Co., Ltd. opened.
    2011 (Heisei 23) August Changchun Office of Shanghai Chongwai Electronics Co., Ltd. was opened.
    2012 (Heisei 24) July Sendai sales office was openend.
    October CHUGAI BUSSAN(THAILAND)CO., LTD. was established.
    2013 (Heisei 25) December Miyoshi Factory and Fukuoka Factory acquired ISO 9001 certification.
    2014 (Heisei 26) January PT.CHUGAI BUSSAN INDONESIA was opened.
    August Sendai Factory was established and Sendai sales office was moved.
    2015 (Heisei 27) July CHUGAI AMERICA CORPORATION was opened.
    2017 (Heisei 29) February Epoch Molding Co., Ltd. was established.
    May Kasugai factory was opened.
    2018 (Heisei 30) April The scope of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification ware expanded (company-wide) .
    2021 (Reiwa 3) March Ogaki Satellite Office was established.